Monday, December 3, 2012

Miista May

Got these from Solestruck the other day :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Steve Madden Grettta

I was really happy when these finally came in the mail after a very crappy day.
I kind of wanted to buy the mint color pair instead, but I always feel that black is more versatile since I really don't have a lot of clothes to match things with.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sam Edelman Adena

DNA Footwear had the Sam Edelman Adenas on sale for $95. There was also a 15% off promotional code so I just had to buy them. One of the sequins came off as soon as I took them out of the box. I got worried that the studs would fall off easily as well. They proved to be quite durable because I wore them out to a club where I was stepped on quite a few times, but everything was intact at the end of the night. These shoes are very comfortable as well.